Soak the almonds (soaking the almonds overnight makes them softer) & sultanas in boiling water.
Preheat oven to 180°C. Smear olive oil over baking tray lightly. Toss the pumpkin & onion in olive oil too & then place on tray and bake for 30 minutes until tender.
Place the rice in a large bowl. MIx turmeric with the syrup and gently stir into rice until well combined. Add the rocket, pumpkin, sultanas & almonds to the rice mixture and gently stir until well combined. Garnish with chopped parsley just before serving. Can be eaten straight away or if you can wait it or you have enough for two days it tastes even better after a night in the fridge!
November 25, 2014
you can use quinoa instead of rice and that works well too!